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Lenzing Recognized For The Second Year In A Row As Global Sustainable Leader With Triple “A” Score By CDP

Lenzing Recognized For The Second Year In A Row As Global Sustainable Leader With Triple “A” Score By CDPThe Lenzing Group, the world’s leading supplier of sustainably produced specialty fibers, has been recognized for leadership in corporate transparency and performance on climate change, forests and water security by global environmental non-profit CDP, securing a place on its annual “A List”.

Through significant demonstrable action on reducing climate impacts, water security risks and deforestation, Lenzing is leading on corporate environmental ambition, action and transparency worldwide. The world’s economy looks to CDP as the gold standard of environmental reporting with the richest and most comprehensive dataset on corporate and city action. In 2022, over 680 investors with over USD 130 trillion in assets and 280 major purchasers with USD 6.4 trillion in procurement spend requested companies to disclose data on environmental impacts, risks and opportunities through CDP’s platform. A record-breaking 18,700 companies responded.

“We are very proud that we have now been awarded a triple ’A‘ rating by CDP for the second time in a row. The rating shows that we are already on a very good path with our sustainability strategy and that the steps we are taking as the Lenzing Group to continuously improve and find solutions to the most pressing problems of our time are being seen and honored,” says Stephan Sielaff, CEO of the Lenzing Group. “We are working hard to make our industries even more sustainable and to drive the transformation of the textile business model from linear to circular. Further efforts from the entire industry are needed for this transformation to take place”, Sielaff said.

“CDP saw nearly 20,000 companies disclose environmental data this year, including 70 per cent of European companies by market value. COP27 showed the need for transformational change is more critical than ever if we are to limit warming to 1.5 °C. I’m therefore delighted that European companies make up nearly half of all “A List” companies around the world, including 15 with two A scores and eight with triple “A” scores for climate change, forests, and water security leadership. We must cut emissions by half and eliminate deforestation by 2030, alongside achieving water security on the same timescale – there is no route to 1.5°C without nature. With the EU’s ground-breaking new reporting regulation, the CSRD, now agreed, CDP “A List” companies are showing they are ahead of the game – taking clear action to reduce emissions and to address environmental impacts throughout their value chains. This is the type of environmental transparency and action we need economy-wide to prevent ecological collapse’’, says Maxfield Weiss, Executive Director CDP Europe.

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