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Flocus™ is the substitute for petrol-based, high-processed, and high-water consumption fibers

Flocus™ is the substitute for petrol-based, high-processed, and high-water consumption fibersFLOCUS™ presents a range of kapok textile materials, which provide the textile industry with a naturally sustainable and regenerative alternative that has not been available before. FLOCUS™ is a Netherland-based Startup Company for sustainable fiber production. They are now scaling their business globally.

Flocus™ is the substitute for petrol-based, high-processed, and high-water consumption fibers
Fig- Sara Cicognani, Cofounder and Director of Marketing & Business Development, Flocus.

Recently Team Denim Focus coordinator Pranta Biswas had a conversation with Sara Cicognani, Cofounder and Director of Marketing & Business Development, Flocus. Ms. Sara shared about company profile, business situation, sustainability practice and future plan.

For our readers, the conversation is drafted below.

Could you please brief about your company Flocus?

FLOCUS™is the trademark for kapok fibers, it is the first company in the world that produces and enhances the potential of kapok fibers responsibly and ethically. FLOCUS™ offers a range of kapok textile materials such as fibers, yarns, textiles, and nonwovens, which provide the textile industry with a naturally sustainable and regenerative alternative that has not been available before.

What is your observation about the recent fiber market?

We have noticed that bio-based materials are becoming increasingly popular and regenerative agriculture is becoming a growing trend, so Flocus kapok and KRAF (our Foundation that plants trees- Kapok Regenerative Agriculture FORESTRY) FITS right in..

What about Flocus Business share globally?

We are still in the startup stage, but we are COMPLETING the first CSR automated facility capable of kapok scalability for the first time and with it, we are aiming to be the number one kapok fiber supplier with ethical practices.

What is Flocus’s sustainability Approach?

Flocus™ kapok utilizes the only fiber with a carbon offset, one of the most truly sustainable fibers in the world. Flocus’s aim is to diminish or substitute petrol-based fibers and other highly processed and high water consumption fibers along with animal fibers. The technical properties of kapok fibers allow them to be quite versatile and performant. With Flocus we have created the demand for the usage of the fiber (which are inside of the pods produced by the kapok tree and grows every year) and we have created a foundation to plant more kapok trees. The more fiber is used the more necessity there will be to reforest.

Any Specialties of Flocus that attract more customers?

We have completely reshaped the supply chain of kapok creating the possibility of fast high volumes of Kapok working for the first time with a CSR method.

Any message to the industry?

Flocus™ kapok is not just one of the most sustainable fibers available in the market at the moment. Its touch, comfort and functions will really surprise you.  By using more Flocus™ kapok you can help us reforest. Be part of the revolution!

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