HomeBusiness NewsEvitex Dress Shirt Ltd. - Sustainable Industry Practices

Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd. – Sustainable Industry Practices

Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd. - Sustainable Industry PracticesEvitex Dress Shirt Ltd., a LEED-certified silver category green factory, is the sister concern of Evince Group. It is one of the finest shirt-producing factories in Bangladesh. As part of Evince group’s vertical setup, Evitex dress shirt is supporting many top-class buyers namely Celio, Asos, Mango, Craigwood, etc. with their production quality, timely delivery, and best industrial practice. Currently, they have 30 lines of sewing facilities with 15 lines on the ground floor producing 20,000pcs per day. They have already set up a new 9 line on the top floor to add more than 6000 capacities; another 6 line is in their plan this year. In terms of technological advancement and sustainability practice, Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd is one of the pioneers in the BD RMG sector.

Recently Team Denim focus visited their state-of-the-art plant and become fascinated viewing their green factory premises, advanced level production setup, CSR practice, and eye-catching working environment. Specialties of Evitex Dress Shirt ltd are described below-

Technical advancement in the Factory: Evitex Dress shirt Ltd. is equipped with modern and latest technological facilities. They have a spacious warehouse that serves 24 hours fabric quarantine facility with 10 mold restriction machines. In the cutting section, there is an auto spreader machine for solid dyed fabric and a normal spreader for striped fabric. On the sewing floor, they have modern sewing machines. Notable machines among them are digital front placket m/c, new fold, and press m/c, special puckering remover m/c, auto button adding m/c, and auto thread cutting sewing m/c. This special machine helps Evitex to save production time and increase worker efficiency. There are also survey motors incorporated with a sewing machine to measure real productivity. In the finishing section, the Auto collar and cuff pressing m/c are remarkable ones that have a 5crore taka investment. There also remain a dry room, Metal detection room, shade segregation room, iron CTPAT area, and another respective facility. Another dimension of Evitex Shirt is a well-furnished Design studio with a big sample section.

Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd. - Sustainable Industry Practices
Photo: (clockwise) Design studio; rooftop solar panel, medical center, the employee working with physical disabilities.

Sustainability Practices in the factory: Evitex is a Leed Certified Silver category green factory that scored 51 out of 110. They achieved 9 points out of 10 in terms of sustainable sites. They kept 60% of their total site as an open area. Moreover, they designed their building structure without cutting old trees. This factory contains state of an art green garden. They also have a well-ventilated canteen for workers with an individual locker of 600-700 workers.

They have a solar facility that adds 20 KW power which is used for factory operation at the night.

200 L water savior is another remark for sustainability practice. This water is used for fishing and gardening, in the garden, there is an automated sprinter water system that calculates humidity and waters the garden automatically.

As part of CSR practice, Evitex Dress Shirt took many initiatives. They have a well-facilitated medical center with 1 doctor, 2 para medic, nurses, and 5 beds for worker health security. Evite also made an agreement with a local hospital in case of a future accident.

They also have appointed some physically disabled people who are earning their livings by working in Evitex Dress Shirts with their physical limitations. Around six disabled people work in this factory in the finishing, sewing, and store departments. Evitex Dress has taken significant initiatives by empowering those physically troubled people. It’s a great opportunity for them to create Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd. where the occupation world is only designed for the able-bodied persons usually.

Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd. - Sustainable Industry Practices
Photo: (from left) Pranta Biswas, Coordinator, Denim Focus; Rakibul Islam, Asst. Manager, Denim Focus, Shah Adeeb Chowdhury, Director, Evince Group; Abu Yunus, Head of Operation, Evitex Dress Shirt Ltd.; M A Islam Riyadh, Editor, Denim Focus.

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