HomeDenim & Jeans“Calik Denim” teamed up with “The Movement” to develop...

“Calik Denim” teamed up with “The Movement” to develop the latest in fully traceable water-free indigo dying process.“Calik Denim” teamed up with “The Movement” to develop the latest in fully traceable water-free indigo dying process.

“Calik Denim” teamed up with “The Movement” to develop the latest in fully traceable water-free indigo dying process.“Calik Denim” teamed up with “The Movement” to develop the latest in fully traceable water-free indigo dying process.Calik Denim and The Movement, a Dutch clean-tech firm, have teamed up to develop the latest in fully traceable water-free indigo dying process.

Dyepro X Aware combines Calik’s Dyepro eco-conscious dyeing technology with The Movement’s Aware traceability technology to provide water-free indigo coloring. According to the firms, this new denim fabric is the most advanced, sustainable, and transparent choice on the market. Calik Denim devised an environmentally friendly dyeing technique that is reported to not require even a single drop of water and does not cause chemical waste, whereas traditional indigo dyeing requires 20 litres of water per metre of fabric. In terms of appearance and color, it is comparable to traditional indigo dyeing. Calik Denim claims that by combining its Dyepro technology with Aware, it can create fully traceable low-impact dyed denim fabric.

Aware allows businesses to track fibers, yarns, and finished garments at every stage of the supply chain. Independent impact studies were conducted by Calik Denim, resulting in a validated EPD (Environmental Product Declaration). Aware is using this impact data as an input to its blockchain technology. A physical tracer is added to the yarn before it is woven into fabric, which has then been coloured with Dyepro technology without using water. Aware builds a blockchain-based digital twin of the fabric, complete with EPD effect data. As a result, each finished garment manufactured with this fabric has its own distinct “fingerprint.”

This ‘fingerprint’ can be read out with a scanner at any point during the process to verify that the dying is water-free. Aware can tell the difference between fake Dyepro waterless dyed cloth and genuine Dyepro waterless coloured fabric with a simple scan.

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