MUNICH FABRIC START from 25 – 27 January 2022 is cancelled. The team of the Munich Fabric Start Exhibitions GmbH has dedicated the last weeks to the finalisation of the upcoming BLUEZONE and MUNICH FABRIC START: the new measures for safe events have been implemented; the organisers are ready to welcome the industry In Munich in just a few weeks.
And the current status is impressive: more than 600 suppliers from 33 countries are registered for MUNICH FABRIC START from which some 90 international denim mills are ready to show at BLUEZONE. In such extraordinary times, the enormous support from the industry is a milestone and anything but a matter of course.
At the same time, the ongoing dynamic situation, the ever-increasing demands on events and the enormous planning uncertainty make the next necessary steps more difficult. With the rapidly increasing infection rates of the Omicron variant across Europe and especially in some neighbouring countries that are already in a new lockdown, the organisers do face very complex challenges in many respects.
After the extensive consideration of the overall situation with an extremely serious situation in many places, the organisers feel obliged to cancel MUNICH FABRIC START Spring. Summer 23 from 25 – 27 January 2022. With regards to BLUEZONE and KEYHOUSE, an alternative scenario will be realised: both formats will skip the January show and move forward to 3 – 4 May 2022 as a dedicated denim and innovation show on the Zenith grounds in Munich.
The decisive factors for this major decision are various realistic scenarios which need to be considered to occur within the coming weeks: a new lockdown in Germany with a possible event ban imposed at very short notice, further restrictions on events and additional travel restrictions.
“As a trade show organiser, we bear a very far-reaching social responsibility in addition to the big economic risk. The current developments are gradually taking the basis for our actions: we currently have neither room for manoeuvre nor planning security. This is why we, with a very heavy heart, have no other option but to cancel the next MUNICH FABRIC START. At the same time, we see a great opportunity to offer the denim and innovation segment a physical platform on the Zenith grounds in Munich from 3 – 4 May 2022. This opportunity arises from the unique seasonal rhythm of the denim and innovation segment. With currently more than 90 premium denim mills, we are in a strong position and are very pleased with the enormous response.” With the move of the International Denim Trade Show BLUEZONE and the Innovation Hub KEYHOUSE to 3 – 4 May 2022, the denim industry’s dedicated calendar will be met with an exciting new concept as well as an extended stand-alone show format.
Numerous premium mills, CMT solution and finishing providers as well as disrupting Start-Ups are already registered to present their denim novelties and futuristic innovations in Munich. The organisers are now excited to use the upcoming months for the creation of a unique blue show with side events at the Zenith grounds to celebrate an industry reunion in May 2022.
BLUEZONE & KEYHOUSE: 3 – 4 May 2022
VIEW Premium Selection: 21 – 22 June 2022
MUNICH FABRIC START: 30 August – 1 September 2022
BLUEZONE: 30 – 31 August 2022