GUESS Inc. launched a holistic training program for Models, GUESS Safe Spaces/Model2Model. The GUESS Safe Spaces/Model2Model Program will actively support the personal and professional development of our GUESS models through innovative skill-based training, professional mentorship, and emotional/mental health resources. Recognizing that each participant brings unique challenges and needs, this program will seek to tailor support appropriate to the individual. Created with the support of the GUESS executive team, Xian Mikol, an established GUESS model, will serve as the Program Administrator and work directly with Micha Star Liberty, an award-winning victim’s rights attorney, who will act as the Program’s Advisor. This team will be the foundation to guarantee that appropriate support is available as needed.
“I have experienced firsthand the pressures, struggles, and triumphs of the fashion world and their impact on a young model’s life. We designed GUESS Safe Spaces to give models a place to turn, gather advice from each other and create a community. I’m excited to strengthen the voices, build confidence and drive powerful and meaningful futures for models with GUESS,” said Xian Mikol.
Ms. Liberty adds, “This is an important initiative GUESS is undertaking. GUESS is a first in the industry to approach workers’ rights from the models’ perspective and proactively address a variety of issues that models commonly experience. With this mentorship and support, models can receive the tools and skillset to have healthy, long careers.”
GUESS is implementing a major policy change with this launch of the GUESS Safe Spaces/Model2Model Program.