HomeTechnologyTonello’s Laundry (R)Evolution Gets More And More Digital

Tonello’s Laundry (R)Evolution Gets More And More Digital

It is time for the new Kingpins and Tonello will be unveiling the release of its new, more efficient, more innovative, and more responsible Laundry (R)Evolution. It offers an even greater digital vision of the laundry, thanks to the integration of three tools that increase transparency, traceability, and productivity.

Configurator: the laundry that runs itself

Tonello’s Laundry (R)Evolution Gets More And More DigitalAs easy as playing a game, the brand new Configurator, available on the Tonello website, allows clients to choose the technologies, software, and accessories for their next laundry, combining diverse solutions and thus obtaining a real projection of energy and resource consumption, as well as savings and sustainability benefits. For quick commercial contacts and targeted estimates on actual needs.

B.O.P. (Be On Point): with one simple touch productivity increases

The seamless integration with THE Laser, B.O.P. is based on the most recent developments in Computer Vision. It makes positioning laser designs on garments automatic and rapid. It allows a choice of different production modes and detects up to 8 garments at the same time.

Metro: the objective measure of excellence

Tonello’s Laundry (R)Evolution Gets More And More DigitalMetro is the software that automatically and transparently measures the actual consumption of a laundry, summarizing these figures in each garment’s “environmental passport”. For brands that want to demonstrate their commitment to true sustainability, just as everything is being “tinted green” as a result of greenwashing. Thanks to Metro, it is possible to immediately distinguish oneself.

We could not participate at the Kingpins without also showing a collection of garments made with the technologies we are presenting (B.O.P. and Metro), washed and dyed with the brand new Evolution 3 range of machines that further reduce water and energy, increase productivity, and lower costs: in short, they are simply the best washing and dyeing machines ever.

At Kingpins Amsterdam, you will be able to see also the result of our collaboration with PVH Europe and Kingpins. We are speaking about the MSP (Most Sustainable Product) collection, designed by Piero Turk, tailored by PVH Europe and treated in our R&D center with the latest Tonello responsible finishing technologies.

You can find Tonello at booth #07, green area, ground floor. The MSP collection, on the other hand, can be viewed on the red area, first floor.

Source: Tonello srl

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