HomeBusiness NewsThe Laundry (R) Evolution Reloaded: for a new conception...

The Laundry (R) Evolution Reloaded: for a new conception of the garment finishing process

The ideal laundry according to Tonello: a concentrate of technologies and innovations. Simple, digital, automatic, flexible. For a future-proof garment finishing.

The Kingpins Show in Amsterdam is finally back and Tonello is there, as a protagonist, with the new vision of an evolved garment finishing that meets the needs of a changing world.

The heart of this vision is the Laundry (R)Evolution, an integrated technological system that unites the well-established All-in-One-System – equipped with NoStone®, Core, UP, ECOfree 2 – with the other technologies that are the protagonists of our Laundry (R)Evolution:

THE Laser, the most complete, intelligent and flexible Laser range, powered by Crea, the software created by designers for designers

Metro, the software for the analysis, control, and transparent evaluation of real process data

The Laundry (R) Evolution Reloaded: for a new conception of the garment finishing process

As a result of the Laundry (R)Evolution, a number of innovative processes were created, which immediately set new aesthetic and sustainability standards:

OBleach, the patented process that allows to obtain an incredible “bleach without the bleach”

O-Zone, the static cabinet that can be used to obtain unique and customizable discoloration effects

Wake, the first patented totally natural dyeing system that uses only plants and vegetable waste, such as flowers, berries, peels and roots, without hazardous chemicals.

The integration of all the finishing technologies optimizes the production process and rationalizes the layout of the laundry itself: it is precisely for this reason that at Kingpins we will also present some of our main customers and partners who have already adopted our Laundry (R)Evolution with satisfaction.

Some public examples include 140Fahrenheit in Germany, Fashion Cube in France, Candiani Denim in Italy, Saitex in the US, Cheong Tai in Vietnam and many more.

And that’s not all, because at Kingpins, Tonello is also presenting EVOLUTION 3, the new generation of washing machines. These are simply the best washing machines ever, allowing the most innovative finishing processes to take place without limits.

All the innovations implemented in EVOLUTION 3 washing machines further reduce energy and water consumption, increase productivity, and lower energy and maintenance costs.

In addition to our booth, you can see some of our most creative developments at the Kingpins Trend Installation AW ’23/’24 curated by Amy Leverton, as well as the MSP (Most Sustainable Product) collection designed by Piero Turk.

The Laundry (R)Evolution and the Evolution 3 by Tonello will be at Kingpins in Amsterdam, April 20-21. Area 4, Stand 79.

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