Piero Turk is a prominent Denim Designer and an influential part of the denim business all over the world. He started working in 1983 with Adriano Goldschmied at his Genius Group (including DIESEL and REPLAY among many other brands). In 1987 He joined Mr. Goldschmied as a partner in the Team Kit design studio. Until 2000 he has been part of many of the most important brands around the world. In the year 2000, he opened his own design studio, Envelope, in Treviso, Italy. During these 20 years, he has been working for many brands and cooperating with jeans brands, manufacturers, laundries and denim mills all around the world. Some of the brands are Replay, Rivet, Lee, Big Star, Sixty, Trussardi jeans, Cerruti jeans, Edwin, Bobson, Guess, AG by Adriano Goldschmied, Sportmax, Mac, Cambio, Jacob Cohen, Hands, Hilfiger Denim, Pepe Jeans, Orta Anadolu, Bossa.
Recently Denim Focus Coordinator Pranta Biswas had a courtesy conversation with Mr. Piero Turk in a virtual meeting. He shared his constructive opinion and some facts about the Denim industry in the middle of the pandemic situation. For our readers, the conversation is highlighted below.
Pranta Biswas: What was your observation during Covid-19 pandemic in 2020?
Piero Turk: Many things happened. Some positive some negative
- Unethical behaviors from buyers. Throwing in the garbage any commitment with vendors. Orders already produced have been canceled. Not paying orders already delivered. Without considering how these behaviors affected in a tragic way thousands of workers.
- All the companies had to think seriously about overproduction. Going towards a reduction of waste
- Brands going stronger in the direction of considering all the production chain in a more sustainable way
- Finding new and different ways to show products and concepts. The fact that was not possible to have physical meetings pushed everybody to find different ways to promote what they do. A good example is “Material Exchange” of Kingpins Show
Pranta Biswas: As a Denim Fashion Designer, how do you see the denim industry?
Piero Turk: The denim industry is facing a turning point. It will never be as it was before. The industry has to reinvent itself with new production processes towards a more ethical and sustainable way
Pranta Biswas: How can we add more value to the Denim garments?
Piero Turk: Setting up real sustainable garments, starting from fibers (using as much as possible recycled ones), denim finishes, to washing and finishes, investing in new technologies (ozone, nebulization, laser) in order to reduce water consumption and avoiding the use of dangerous chemicals
Pranta Biswas: What is your observation about Bangladesh Denim Market?
Piero Turk: Generally, is on very high level. For the future it should invest even more than before in new technologies
Pranta Biswas: What is your suggestion for the future Denim Designer?
Piero Turk: Being focused on new technologies for denim developments and washes.
Pranta Biswas: Any special message you want to convey to our “Denim Focus” readers and the denim industry of Bangladesh?
Piero Turk: To put together all the efforts to become the “most sustainable country” for denim production by Creating own brands for local market and for export. And very best wishes for Denim Focus magazine.