HomeIndustry NewsRapidly Growing Denim Sector in Bangladesh-Require Top Quality Yarns...

Rapidly Growing Denim Sector in Bangladesh-Require Top Quality Yarns from Spinning Mills

Bangladesh has become one of the most significant hub for denim apparel production around the world. Bangladesh is the second largest producer of denim garments after China! Until recently, garment factories in Bangladesh have been highly dependent on imported denim fabrics. To meet the ever-growing demand by the readymade garment sector, local textile entrepreneurs made substantial investments in the past recent years in denim fabric production.

At present locally produced denim fabric can meet 50 % of Bangladesh’s total annual demand; the rest is being imported from China, India and Pakistan. According to Bangladesh Textile Mill Association (BTMA), Bangladesh currently has 31 denim fabrics manufacturing mills, many of them vertically integrated.

Two well-known names in the denim industry in Bangladesh rely exclusively on optical yarn clearing technology from Loepfe Brothers Ltd:

Jamuna Group

The Jamuna Group has diverse business interests, which range from textile to real estate. At the Group’s Textile Division, the unit “Jamuna Spinning Mills Ltd.” is producing various types of ring spun yarns with a capacity of 150’000 ring spindles whereas at unit “Jamuna Denim Spinning Mills Ltd.”, daily 36 tons of classical open end spun denim yarn is produced for the group’s denim weaving unit. In total 96 tons per day of various yarns is leaving its spinning mills.

Mr. Aijaz Ahmed Faridi, Senior Manager Production and Mr. Rashid Ali, General Manager Quality of Jamuna Group’s Spinning Divison explain why the Group’s spinning mills are preferring Loepfe’s optical yarn clearers for both ring and rotor spun yarns:

Since we started to use Loepfe yarn clearers in the winding department, we feel that optical yarn clearers give us greater flexibility, as we process many different speciality yarns such as slub yarn and core yarns. Reliability and the excellent service provided lead us to the conclusion to upgrade all our existing rotor spinning machines as well with Loepfe’s 1N1 yarn clearers, which perform extremely reliable and precisely on our rotor spinning machines, helping us to achieve our high quality requirements.

Photo: From left to right-Mr. Aijaz Ahmed Faridi, Sr. General Manager Production, Jamuna Group Spinning Division, Mr. Thomas Sifrig, Sales Manager Loepfe Brothers Ltd., Mr. Rashid Ali, General Manager Quality, Jamuna Group Spinning Division
Photo: From left to right-Mr. Aijaz Ahmed Faridi, Sr. General Manager Production, Jamuna Group Spinning Division, Mr. Thomas Sifrig, Sales Manager Loepfe Brothers Ltd., Mr. Rashid Ali, General Manager Quality, Jamuna Group Spinning Division

Mahmud Group

The Mahmud Group of Industries provide total solutions in Denim & Jeans with vertical integration from spinning, weaving, dying and final garments manufacturing. The spinning unit converts raw cotton into top quality yarns and is producing a total of 900 tons per month with ring spindles and rotors in various styles and   for the group’s denim weaving unit.

Engr. Md. Hasibur Rahman, General Manager of Mahmud Spinning Mills Ltd. points out that the positive experience made with Loepfe’s YarnMaster ZENIT and ZENIT+ yarn clearers as well as with YarnMaster 1N1 clearers is confirmed by our weaving unit in terms of achieved weaving machine efficiency and fabric quality.

Today’s high-speed air-jet and rapier weaving machines used in denim production require top quality yarns from the spinner, ensuring productivity and efficiency of its denim mills.

Especially the white PP yarn clearing performance of Loepfe’s latest yarn clearers YarnMaster ZENIT+ DFP is giving us extremely good results. My colleague from our weaving unit reports me, that the number of yarn breaks during the warping process in our denim mills has been reduced substantially due to the fact, that disturbing white PP fibres were removed during the winding process, which finally leads to an increase of weaving machine efficiency. Another advantage is, of course, that claims due to rejected fabric quality will be minimized.

Rapidly Growing Denim Sector in Bangladesh-Require Top Quality Yarns from Spinning Mills
Photo: Mr. Md. Hasibur Rahman, General Manager Mahmud Spinning Limited with Mr. Md. Khorshed Alam Suman, Managing Director Masterline Technologies (Pvt.) Ltd., (Loepfe Brothers Service Partner in Bangladesh)

Loepfe Brothers Ltd. is proud to be the exclusive supplier of yarn clearers for both winding and rotor applications for these two renowned and successful companies in Bangladesh and want to thank them for sharing their experience!

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