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Mango Enlarging Its Logistics Centre With An Investment of 35 Million Euros

Mango Enlarging Its Logistics Centre With An Investment of 35 Million EurosMango has commenced the works to enlarge its logistics center in Lliçà d’Amunt (Barcelona). This enlargement, which was planned when the logistics center was initially designed, involves an investment of approximately 35 million euros and will allow the company to reduce the cost of preparing online orders by 25%.

The enlargement aims to allow the center to absorb the growth of e-commerce logistics (making it possible to send orders directly to the final customer), increase the capacity and speed of the dispatches area and support Mango’s new business lines. The new facilities will enlarge the center by 90,000 m2, giving it a total surface area of 280,000 m2, the equivalent of 40 football pitches. The enlargement includes the incorporation of new automated systems to complement the existing functionalities of the center. It is planned that the building will be developed following responsible building practices. Mango is on schedule with these works, despite the pandemic.

“The increase we are experiencing in e-commerce confirms that planning this enlargement was the right decision, given that it will allow us to automate certain tasks in order to absorb the anticipated volume. Maintaining investments in strategic projects that will allow us to anticipate future needs and become more competitive is a priority for the company,” said Toni Ruiz, Mango CEO “With this enlargement we will give the center full omnichannel capability, optimizing the existing installations and complementing them with solutions that are more specific to e-commerce.”

Mango forecasts that the new facilities, which will be distributed on three floors, will commence the part of its delivery operations during the second half of 2022. The center will have the full omnichannel capability by 2023.

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