HomeTechnologySustainabilityLenzing Group Revealed Sustainability Report 2020

Lenzing Group Revealed Sustainability Report 2020

Lenzing Group Revealed Sustainability Report 2020The Lenzing Group, the leading global supplier of sustainably produced specialty fibers, presented its Sustainability Report 2020 on April 22, 2021, World Earth Day. Featuring the title “Stand up for future generations”, Lenzing once again emphasized its commitment to taking responsibility beyond the products it makes. The non-financial report, prepared following the reporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Austrian Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG) and reviewed by KPMG Austria GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, illustrates how the company is responding to the global challenges of our time.

“Even in times when fighting the coronavirus pandemic is the top priority, Lenzing focuses on pressing ahead with climate neutrality and sustainability. These will remain the dominant issues for humanity in the long term. At Lenzing, we consider it to be an integral part of our strategic principles and our responsibility to future generations to effectively deal with pressing ecological challenges such as climate protection, resource efficiency, and biodiversity”, says Stefan Doboczky, Chief Executive Officer of the Lenzing Group. “Strategically, we remain fully on track and the implementation of our key projects in Brazil and Thailand continues to proceed according to plan. With our corporate priorities, we are consistently pursuing a major goal, namely to make a zero-carbon future come true”, Doboczky adds.

With the implementation of its science-based targets, the Lenzing Group actively contributes to mastering the problems caused by climate change. In 2019, Lenzing made a strategic commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent per ton of product by 2030. The overriding target is to be climate-neutral by 2050. The implementation of the two key projects in Brazil and Thailand represents an important milestone on this journey. Thanks to its excellent infrastructure, the production plant in Thailand conceived as a CO₂-neutral site can be supplied with sustainable biogenic energy. The plant in Brazil will feed more than 50 percent of the electricity generated into the public grid as renewable energy and feature a positive net CO₂ balance. The report is available on the company’s website.

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