Bangladesh-based Knit Asia Limited sister concern of New Asia group has been recognized as the 3rd Best Green Factory in the world and awarded the LEED Platinum certification in Bangladesh with 99 points.
This prestigious recognition is the highest-level certification for an environmentally friendly construction and this is now the 3rd Best Green Factory in the World. We would like to thanks Mr. Abdul Matin Chowdhury (Managing Director, Knit Asia Limited) for the vision and kind opportunity and Mr. Siddique Hassan (Advisor to Management) and entire project team for kind support.
This achievement has come in the tough time and proved as a team we always can create a better place which adds another feather in our GREEN cap. Ananta Ahmed and 360 TSL is the proud LEED Consultant for the project.
According to Ananta Ahmed (LEED AP BD+C, ID+C, EB O+M, HOMES & ND, USGBC), “As we do with all projects, we visit the site, complete the feasibility study and discuss with client to know they requirements and DREAM. So, we can guide the Project Team in meaningful way. We visited the site with Design Team, provide our guidance and with that Design Team created a ‘Building Design’ which will blend with the nature.”
360 TSL is a pioneer and leader in Green Building Consultancy Services in Bangladesh and now Consulting/consulted 307 Projects with 95 Company and 122 million Sft.
On a final note, Green Building Concept is not just a certificate; rather it is the ‘Most Profitable and Environment-friendly Business Management System’ and also an Ongoing Process, which requires continual improvement in all aspects of company or organization portfolios.
Established in 1987, the Group started out with Rahim Textile Mills, a dyeing and printing mill for both knit and woven fabrics. Since then, they have expanded into the production of greige yarn (for both knitted and denim garments), denim fabric, knitted garments, sweater garments and denim garments, which supply some of the world’s most well-recognized retail brands and are distributed to stores across the world. As a group, we are a vertically integrated manufacturer where over 20,000 people are employing with full traceability from RM to finished product for diversified product ranges. In Bangladesh, we are the only operation where Fiber to fashion is our sole strength. Yearly turnover is more than $350 million USD. As our operations are 100% Vertical, means we start from owned spinning all the way to finished garments (KNIT, INTIMATE, DENIM, SWEATER), including printing and embroidery and various embellishments. Sustainability and Green practices are in the core value of New Asia Group and Knit Asia Limited is a shining example of the same and now achieved LEED PLATINUM Certificate under USGBC(LEED) BD+C v4 Category with 99 LEED Points.
Knit Asia Limited became the 3rd Best Green Factory in the World. Project Sustainability Summary are as follow; – • Conventional Transportation Reduction 99% • Storm water Quantity Control 100% • Heat Island Reduction 100% • Light Pollution Reduction • Potable Water Savings 41.74% • Energy Savings 50.4% • Existing Building Commissioning-Implementation • Solid Waste Diverted 80.25% • Enhanced Refrigerant Management • Indoor Air Quality Best Management Practices • Sustainable Purchasing Policy • Green Cleaning & Green Education Policy Points Table Break Down • Sustainable Site (SS) 25 of 26 • Water Efficiency (WE) 10 of 10 • Energy & Atmosphere (EA) 33 of 35 • Material & Resources (MR) 7 of 14 • Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) 14 of 15 • Innovation (IN) 6 of 6 • Regional Priority (RP) 4 of 4 • Total 99 of 110 You may call us at any time for information, advice and explanation on the green concept. We are here to help. Thanks in advance for your GREEN journey. Once you speak to us, we are confident you will see how easy completing your GREEN project can be with our professional support and knowledgeable help.
We are available at – Facebook: 360tsl, LinkedIn: 360tsl, Youtube: 360 TSL Green Expert. Please talk to us and it will be a worthwhile. +8801747910939 or email at