HomeBusiness NewsMango join hands with ZDHS and Canopy Style

Mango join hands with ZDHS and Canopy Style

Mango join hands with ZDHS and Canopy StyleIn its journey towards sustainability, Mango has signed agreements with various bodies and companies worldwide. Key coalitions it forms part of include the International Accord, the Fashion Pact and the United Nations Fashion Charter for Climate.

In 2021, Mango implemented a new water management strategy to reduce the consumption and increase the efficiency of this resource.Within this context, it has signed up to the ZDHC Roadmap to Zero programme as a “Collaborator”.This initiative will allow to the company to achieve best practices for chemical management in wet processes throughout the production chain, for both clothing and footwear, which will help protect consumers, workers and the environment.

Also, in its commitment to sustainability in all areas of influence and as part of its Sustainability Plan, Mango has also signed up to the Canopy Style initiative, which is committed to protecting forests by ensuring the responsible use of all cellulose materials used in garments, paper and packaging.Consequently, these products will have international certification to prevent illegal logging and the destruction of ecosystems, and will also promote the use of alternative, low-impact, sources of fibre, such as recycled textiles and agricultural waste.

“In line with SDG 17 on partnerships, at Mango we are convinced that collaboration through international initiatives within the textile industry is key to the creation of value and is our way of helping to reduce the environmental impact throughout the industry”, Toni Ruiz adds.

Precisely through such alliances, Mango has signed up to the net zero target for 2050. In its journey to achieve net zero emissions, the company has set itself new intermediate targets.It has committed to reduce its direct emissions by 80%, as well as those generated by the Scope 1 and 2 energy it consumes, by 2030. It has also committed to reduce by 35% the Scope 3 emission it produces in its supply chain by the same year.

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