HomeTechnologySpinnova joins the UN Global Compact

Spinnova joins the UN Global Compact

SpinnovaThe sustainable textile material company Spinnova has become a signatory of the United Nation’s Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.

The United Nations Global Compact promotes the ecological, social, and economic responsibility of companies and non-business organizations. The initiative requires commitment to the UNGC’s ten universally accepted principles and calls for action in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

By signing the UNGC letter of commitment, Spinnova commits to sustainable principles and improvement in human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

– Our sustainable fibre innovation supports several of the Sustainable Development Goals, and committing to the compact’s principles on a concrete level comes naturally for us. It’s an honor to make this pledge and stand alongside the United Nations and the community around it, comments Spinnova’s CEO and co-founder Janne Poranen.

The commitment means Spinnova integrates the UN Global Compact and its principles to its strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations, and engages in collaborative projects that advance the broader development goals of the UN, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals. To support public accountability and transparency, Spinnova also commits to reporting on its progress within one year of joining the compact, and annually thereafter according to the UN Global Compact Communication on Progress policy.

The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest sustainability initiative with more than 14,000 companies and over 3,000 non-business organizations in over 160 countries. There are 165 Finnish participants in the UNGC.

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