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  Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to Fashion

The business sector is always searching for something new. Printing on denim has added a new dimension to the denim market and new fashions are being added based on this printing. With the help of printing technology, a unique look of denim garments is being highlighted. In the age of technology, denim printing technology is also not far behind. But still some questions come up here, What are the ways to print denim? Are denim printing techniques eco-friendly? What is the difference between denim dyeing and denim printing? Can denim be printed with DTG printer? This article tries to answer all these questions as much as possible to give an outlook about different types of denim printing techniques.

  Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to Fashion

Denim Printing:

The word printing comes from a Latin word, which means pressing. Denim printing is the process of highlighting designs on denim fabric with different color patterns. This design can be printed on a specific part of the fabric or across the entire fabric. Printed denims are very popular with fashion lovers. Denim was once used as a wearable garment but is now used as a fashion wear. Denim printing is rapidly changing according to people’s preferences and printing technologies are improving day by day.

Denim Printing Techniques:

Printed denim is a popular trend and people around the world are getting denim garments according to the print of their choice. To give the most attractive look in denim wear, different types of printing are done on denim fabric.

  1.   Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionReactive Printing on Denim: Reactive print similar reactive dye is usually of better crocking standards as well as to greater extended and more color fast than pigment print. Reactive print can be chlorine bleach, pigment print or pigment dye. In this method, the same rotary or screen can be used for printing but need the additional equipment to finish the dye steaming as well as washing.
  2.   Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionDischarge Printing on Denim: This printing method is exceptional. Discharge printing has been applied to printing field for a long time. In this method, firstly the whole fabric is dyed. Then, discharge pattern is produced by destroying the original dye from the denim fabric in the printed areas. This indigo dye can be destroyed by discharging agents.
  1. Flock Printing on Denim: Flock printing is the common method used in jeans printing.   Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionIn Europe, this method is very popular application. During flock printing, the printers don’t use any dyes and chemical. They used gum and flock powder. Flocks are applied to an adhesive-coated surface. After applying the flock on denim fabric, it is dried. The looks of flock prints are very nice.
  1.   Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionScreen Printing on Denim: Screen printing is most commonly used in textile industry. It is a great way to add a permanent design. In this printing ink is pressed onto a denim fabric surface through a mesh screen. Once the ink is completely dry, heat setting is needed to make the ink permanent.
  2.   Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionDigital Printing on Denim: Digital printing on denim fabric is formed by computer processing. According to the design given by the computer input, the printer continuous to spread the specific color in the specific place of the fabric. It can be reduce the pollution of the environment.
  3.   Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionLaser Printing on Denim: Laser printing is an electrostatic digital printing process. Denim garments can also be printed with laser engraving. The design is made by Adobe Photoshop and then it transferred into the laser m/c. After that the laser ray is applied on the focused design portion. Colour fading, 3D effects can also be done by this process with reduce water and energy waste.

What is the difference between denim dyeing and denim printing?

Dyeing is the process of adding color to yarn, for denim warp yarns are dyed and weft yarns are undyed. Printing is the process of highlighting designs on denim fabric with different color patterns. Denim dyeing doesn’t require thickener but denim printing requires thickener.  No design is required for denim dyeing, while specific design is required for denim printing. One color is usually applied in the field of denim dyeing but many colors are applied in denim printing. This is why the popularity of denim printing is increasing, but the cost of denim printing is higher than denim dyeing.

 Can denim be printed with DTG printer?

  Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionDirect-to-garment (DTG) is a printing method that sprays the ink directly onto the garment. This process is fast and easy to print. That’s why denim fabric can also be printed with DTG printer. DTG printer offer a lot of color options that means there is no color limitation.  The artwork is sent to the printer via a USB cable, the denim garments goes into the m/c. The printer head moves left and right, within a minute the denim garments comes out with a bright, soft print.

Are denim printing techniques eco-friendly?

Since denim is a very popular fabric, denim printing in an eco-friendly way is important. Lots of water is used in screen printing that is harmful for environment. DTG printing is more sustainable than screen printing because here almost zero wastewater, use less energy. In discharge printing an environmentally friendly agent is added to water based inks which reduce the environment impact. Laser printing is also sustainable as there is no wastewater and energy. People are becoming more environmentally conscious day by day and they are now giving more importance to eco-friendly product in their product selection. That’s why denim printing is now done in almost all textile industries in an eco-friendly way.

  Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to Fashion   Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionThe ‘Fashion Darling’- Printed Denim Trends:

Printed denim is one of the latest fabric trends in fashion. Printed denim is fit for all seasons. Printed denim has an emerging trend since 2021Fashion and the trend will continue to grow. Some trends in the printed denim word are:

  Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionSnake-Effect Print is one of the biggest trends.  Snake-effect jeans are already very popular for its perfect shed.  Their flattering skinny snake print is really eye-catching.

  Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to Fashion   Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionLogo Print are used everywhere at the moment. The logo is printed on denim fabric. Logo printing is done in the pocket, sometimes all over printing and sometimes it is used on labels.

  Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionLeopard Print; Leopard is one of the fast patterns in animal print. Animal print is a trend that never fully dies.

Zebra Print is another animal print. In the present multicolor zebra stripes have been printed. This print is really eye-catching.

  Denim Printing Techniques have Added a New Dimension to FashionSwirl Print is very popular. The printed garments are stylish and demanded. Golden, blue and brown color swirl printed denims are now more available.

Conclusion: Denim has become a favorite of all time. Denim printing has added a new dimension on it. Denim printing techniques are being further improved to keep pace with customer demand. Various digital methods have now been invented for printing denim in an eco-friendly way. If the demand for printed denim continuous to grow, it is hoped that the branch of denim printing will expand in the future.



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